예전 방식(Console Build) 의 개발을 위한 개발 툴 WDK 를 설치하는 방법에 대해 설명드리겠습니다.
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build 사용 옵션
[/#] force _objects.mac to be regenerated
[/0] pass 0 generation only, no compile, no link
[/2] same as old /Z (only do a 2 pass build - no pass 0)
[/3] same as /Z
[/a] allows synchronized blocks and drains during link pass
[/b] displays full error message text (doesn't truncate)
[/B [baseline]] Checks the build failures against a baseline
If there is no baseline,terminates the build on the first error
[/c] deletes all object files
[/C] deletes all .lib files only
[/D] check dependencies before building (on by default if BUILD_PRODUCT != NT)
[/e] generates build.log, build.wrn & build.err files
[/E] always keep the log/wrn/err files (use with /z)
[/f] force rescan of all source and include files
[/F] when displaying errors/warnings to stdout, print the full path
[/g] Display warnings/errors/summary in color
[/h] Hide console output
[/G] enables target specific dirs files iff one target
[/i] ignore extraneous dependency warning messages
[/I] do not display thread index if multiprocessor build
[/j filename] use L'filename' as the name for log files
[/k] keep (don't delete) out-of-date targets
[/l] link only, no compiles
[/L] compile only, no link phase
[/m] run build in the idle priority class
[/M [n]] Multiprocessor build (for MP machines. Max. 64)
[/o] display out-of-date files
[/O] generate $(O)\_objects.mac file for current directory
[/p] pause' before compile and link phases
[/P] Print elapsed time after every directory
[/q] query only, don't run NMAKE
[/r dirPath] restarts clean build at specified directory path
[/s] display status line at top of display
[/S] display status line with include file line counts
[/t] display the first level of the dependency tree
[/T] display the complete dependency tree
[/$] display the complete dependency tree hierarchically
[/u] display unused BUILD_OPTIONS
[/v] enable include file version checking
[/w] show warnings on screen
[/x filename] exclude include file from dependency checks
[/X] generates XML log file
[/y] show files scanned
[/Z] no dependency checking or scanning of source files -
three passes
[/z] same as /Z
[/why] list reasons for building targets
[/sharedpch] ignore pch time stamp during dependency check-
has no effect with /clean
[/386] build targets for 32-bit Intel
[/x86] Same as /i386
[/ia64] build targets for IA64
[/amd64] build targets for AMD64
[/arm] build targets for ARM
[/jpath pathname] use L'pathname' as the path for log files instead of "."
[/nmake arg] argument to pass to NMAKE
[/getperf] do not generate the build performance
[/findBottleNecks] Finds perf bottlesnecks during build and logs the
state of build during these bottlenecks
[/getslowestdirs] [N] Gives the N slowest dirs in the tree.If N is
not provided it defaults to 10
[/skiptestcode] Skips sources marked as TEST_CODE=1
Can also be set by defining BUILD_SKIP_TEST_CODE=1
[/DirInclude:[!]<type>,<type>]. Build includes (or excludes)
directories of the types listed in <type>.
Types are specified in dirs files.
Valid types are Product, Test, Tool
/DirInclude:!Test,Tool = Build all but Test & Tool
/DirInclude:Test = Build only test
Can also be set using BUILD_DIRINCLUDE=
[/ManifestCompilation] Just compiles and validates manifests
[/nosqm] Do not report build usage data to Microsoft.
[/VerifySync] Validates synchronization. Detects duplicate or
non-existent produce macros, wrong ordering, etc.
Non-switch parameters specify additional source directories
* builds all optional source directories
~<DirName> Excludes all the directories with name equal to DirName
!<Relative path\DirName> Excludes just the exact directory specified
. The path given is relative to Dir from where build.exe is launched
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